Sign up for my open Lean Startup workshops at School of Tech!

by Justin Souter on 20 June 2016


I would like to introduce Newcastle’s brand new School of Tech – an initiative brought to you by the Sharpe family, more details below.

In particular I’d like to introduce you to an open course I’m running this summer called “What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Would you have a Lean Startup?

Calling all Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, and Sorcerer’s Apprentices

I’m excited to be bringing the Lean Startup framework to a wider audience in the North East, which is great news given how influential this comprehensive body of knowledge is becoming. It’s also why I worked with Emma Robinson to give life to Lean North East, and have attended numerous Lean Startup events and conference [Hello SF!]

It’s what brings me to life: I’ve enjoyed brilliant experiences, lots of laughs and learnings along the way – and have been privileged to watch how participants have emerged changed and empowered through their hard work and courage!

Now it’s your chance to get involved – see the sign-up section below or click through to the sign-up page.

About School of Tech

From their website:

School of Tech is a subsidiary of Sharpe Recruitment. As recruitment professionals specialising in the creative and digital industries in the North East of England we noticed a demand for a long list of tech and creative skills where the only option for working professionals to get them on their CVs was to go online.

School of Tech wants to take you back to school and fill your noggin with the most up-to-date and in-demand programming languages and creative practices. Everything from Python and Ruby on Rails to Javascript and UX.

We want to put you or your staff in front of an expert, in a classroom just like the old days. We’ve hired some of the best tech and creative gurus in the country to come and spill their beans all over Campus North in Newcastle Upon Tyne. So, grab your satchel, your pencil case and don’t be late.”

My track record

Since December 2013 I have created and delivered two dozen workshops to 100-150 early stage entrepreneurs (and ‘intrapreneurs’ in existing organisations) based on a growing and robust body of knowledge – the Lean Startup framework.

Clients have included a-n The Artists Information Company, Durham County Council, Teesside University, Northumbria University, and the Business and IP Centre at Newcastle Library.

This course is applicable for pre-starts; early stage businesses and social enterprises; ‘intrapreneurs’ at established organisations. Solo founders might want to recruit a partner and bring them along!

In effect, the Lean Startup is a straightforward innovation process and a vocabulary which helps innovators turn ideas into success.

The What

Day 1 – Tues 23rd Aug

  1. Introduction to Lean Startup: the concepts and vocabulary, tools, and Customer Development. You will ‘get out of the building’ in teams to test the product & service ideas you brought to the workshop.

Day 2 – Fri 23rd Sep

  1. Planning to Succeed: Recap and reflections. Apply product management tools to your developing ideas. Use the Business Model Canvas to help turn your ideas into potential businesses. Participants go away with a change mindset and a feeling that they can convert their ideas more readily into products and services which will gain traction


A business idea


Campus North, Sunco House, 5 Carliol Square, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 6UF

School of Tech Certificate of Achievement will be awarded (no assessment element)

The How

Typically, I employ open source tools around product management and business modelling, and have recently created a printed checklist for students conducting ‘customer development’ so they are guided to ask open questions about customer problems, and also to test pricing.

Workshops are delivered using a mix of multimedia, including slides, videos, wallcharts / post-it notes, team exercises, real-life engagement with potential customers, and whole class engagement.

Business ideas that participants have developed include clothing, mobile apps, consumer goods, foodstuffs, tech infrastructure, dog walking, and childcare materials.

The Why + sign up now with special offer!

Participants go away with a changed mindset and a feeling that they can convert their ideas more readily into products and services which will gain traction.

Sign up now to take advantage of the special introductory 10% discount when you use the code ‘summerschool’ at the checkout

Looking forward to your success

As I mentioned above, doing this brings me to life and I enjoy the impact it brings. I’d love you to benefit as well [as me!], by signing up using this link.

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