Lean Innovation at Durham County Council

by Justin Souter on 6 January 2016


As per my previous posts – and part of a series – I am becoming increasingly interested in Lean Innovation.

Phil Jackman, Head of ICT for County Durham – who I know through my work at Dynamo North East – asked me to deliver my two-part Lean Startup and Business Model Canvas workshops and set the context as:

“About a third of our business is traded with other LAs and public bodies and it is becoming a more important part of our offering.

We need to think more commercially and be more creative in products and services design.”

-Phil Jackman

This has been a fascinating experience so far, and has given me a chance to bring together my passion for empowering entrepreneurial thinking through the Lean Startup framework; my long-standing interest in Innovation; my experience of working in IT as a business consultant; and the insights from studies into team and interpersonal dynamics – triggered by my first degree, in Psychology.

Re-posts from Phil Jackman’s blog

Phil has helpfully posted about his experiences on his blog, and I will re-post here in the coming days – which I hope will help to get the message out about creating business value through considering options for innovation:

What’s next

I’m looking forward to doing more delivery in this area in 2016; (fingers crossed) attending LeanConf in Manchester in April; and ideally going to San Francisco in October for the Lean Startup conf. Hopefully some other trips / adventures in the pipeline…

My Reading List

Harvesting suggestions from Steve Blank’s blog posts, this is my growing library to broaden my knowledge of the field (and round out my experience of business change management):

Series NavigationBusiness improvement from Lean InnovationLean Innovation cross-post: “Unfolding plans 130 – Lean start up”

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